Thursday, January 8, 2009

Looking to '09

After looking back at 2008, it seemed appropriate to take a quick look at some things I'm excited about for 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Night at the Museum 2

Harry Potter has been delayed for awhile (I think Daniel Radcliffe has kids), but I'm still a sucker for anything in the HP universe. It'll probably be too much for the kiddos (I'm guessing PG-13 like movies 4 and 5), so we'll likely be in the weird situation of hiring a 14-year-old babysitter to watch our children while we go watch the Harry Potter movie with a bunch of 14-year-olds and children.

Night at the Museum was the first true "Family Movie" experience in the Chandler house (defined as a movie the kids loved that did not include Janelle and I poking out our eyes - I'm talking to you, Strawberry Shortcake), and I'm looking forward to watching the sequel with the kids as well.

Blake in Kindergarten
We'll have both kids in school full time this fall, which I think will be fun. Blake's gotten a taste with preschool in his eventually elementary school, but it will be a whole different ballgame come August. Our baby is growing up.

Ten Year Anniversary
Ten years of wedded bliss (etc.) this June will obviously be blog-worthy in its own right. But I figured we'd might as well celebrate early. I'm sure we'll spend some extra time reminiscing this year as we look back on the last decade, and forward to the next one.

The Unknown
At the beginning of 2008 I was working for MoDOT, had never tried sushi, and only knew the name Barack Obama because of my brother's Myspace page. Now I'm serving at the pleasure of President Obama in my current job and I haven't been on Myspace for a year.

And eating raw fish.


Chandler said... serve at the pleasure of the president. How stoked were you to use that line in your post?

Brian said...

Since I started this job in July. :-)

DVD said...

Movies: I unexpectedly loved "Transformers" and I believe T2 is released this year. The kids have a couple good ones coming out, I know my boys laugh hysterically at the trailer for "Monsters v. Aliens" (especially Bob the Blob), "Ice Age 3" and some Pixar joint called "Up." I am a huge HP fan, but can't stand the movies. I'm usually a book snob when it comes to screenplay adaptations anyway, but for some reason the HP ones are really an affront, IMO.

Ten years is a huge milestone. But you're not there yet...

Good for you on the "unknown" - makes life a lot more interesting.

As with every year, I look forward to the next Tiger Football season. Lots of changes for this year's Tigers and a lot lower expectations. Should be a fun season.

DVD said...

P.S. Don't forget "Bruno"!!Ă¼no_(film)