Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And suddenly...

Everything there is to know about writing is taught in elementary school. When my son was in kindergarten last spring, he came home with this gem.

"If you get stuck when telling a story, just say, 'and suddenly...' Then something will pop in your head."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So certain. So wrong.

So I'm at Borders in the airport, and overheard a conversation between co-workers.

Hipsters 20s Dude: Look at this passage in this book. I can't believe it got through the editor. "...and then none of them was chosen for the position." It's ridiculous!

Bored co-worker Girl: Mmm-hmmm.

Dude: It's just crazy. Don't they read the book before they sell it?

Bored Girl: Hmmm.

Of course, Hipster Dude was incorrect, as the sentence is written correctly; to his credit, it does sound strange. (Thanks, 6th grade English class!)

What struck me that day is how often I am so certain about things and make a big deal about how ridiculous something is, without ever realizing that I'm wrong. So certainly wrong.

It gave me pause to chill out a bit before going off on my next rant.

(But don't worry, there will be plenty of certainly wrong rants to come, but at least I'll share them after a slight pause.)