I had a unique experience at Best Buy this weekend that I thought worth sharing. For every "less-than-stellar" sales person on the planet, there are a few that stand out.
Janelle was in the market for a new laptop computer, and with a little research we picked out a nice Acer model that we were excited about. Mr. Internet told us the Best Buy in Columbia had at least one in stock. I usually like to buy our computers online with Dell - partially to avoid the big electronics stores. But this was a good deal, so I headed to the big box.
I eventually found the floor model and began checking the spec details and pecking the keys (I guess to make sure it was a normal computer, and not an alien breed of some sort -- the keys pecked just fine).
Enter Zed.
First of all, the kid's name is Zed (Strike one). He was decked out Gen-Y style, with thick-rimmed coffee-house glasses (who needs glasses like that at 19? - Strike two) and some sort of ear piercing/stretching, including a 1/2" stone implanted in his lobe (I'm outta here).
I played it out, assuming a 30 minute session of "this computer is OK, but you might want to consider..." I was wrong. I told Zed what I wanted. He didn't think they had any in stock, but he did a quick search and determined they did. Though it wasn't where it should be, he did some extra searching. He found it.
At the checkout, I was behind a couple other computer purchasers getting the full package of "necessary" add-ons for optimal computer performance (overpiced mouse, overpriced case, overpriced surge protector, extended warranty, Geek Squad we'll-come-to-your-house-at-midnight-to-fix-anything-even-your-relationships plan, etc.).
When Zed stepped behind the counter, he rang up the computer, swiped my card and sent me on my way. What the hell? Where's the banter? The "no thanks, just the computer today" or "I think I'll take the risk my laptop doesn't burn in a forest fire in the next 12 months" discussion? Nothing. Just a credit card receipt and a smile. I had to know why.
I asked Zed why he didn't offer my 52 other things with the computer purchase. "Body language - I could just tell" was his response. Impressive.
So big props to Best Buy for hiring Zed and props to Zed for learning how to read people.
I'm happy for you, it sure seems rare these days. Interesting that you post this story this week, I have an epic Best Buy story that happened this week. Far too long to tell here, but let's just say that my experience boiled down to:
1. Awful customer service in my local Best Buy
2. Followed by the best customer service I've ever experienced anywhere when I called 1-888-Best Buy
3. Followed by terrible customer service once again at the local store
4. But a wonderful result (thanks to the national people, and despite the local people).
Oh, and not to scare you, but I am very glad that 3 years ago I bought the 4-year warranty on my television!
(running back to Best Buy to buy the extended warranty)
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