Saturday, January 2, 2010

Favorites of 2009

Looking back at a few of my favorite things of the past year.

Favorite Snack Combo
Cinnamon Teddy Grahams + Almonds
I've been a fan of Teddy Grahams most of my life; I picked up almonds more recently. I randomly put them together (ala the old Reese's Peanut Butter Cup commercials with the cavemen combining chocolate and peanut butter) and experienced a heavenly snack.

Favorite Brothers
Tie: New Super Mario Bros. & The Avett Brothers
I didn't game much in 2009, but I've been loving the New Super Mario Bros. Wii game I received for Christmas. It also reminded me that I've been playing Super Mario Bros. games for nearly 25 years (yikes).

The Avett Brothers 2009 album, I and Love and You, is just good. Go listen to it. My favorite line so far: "Decide what to be and go be it."

Favorite Album:
DMB - Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King
2009 was a resurgence for my purchasing of music, partially due to the Amazon MP3 store and a great group of albums this year. U2, Brandi Carlisle, Weezer, and Jay-Z all had great 2009 albums. I'm defining favorite as "what stayed in our car's CD player the most this year." Dave Matthews won hands down.

Favorite New TV Show
Flash Forward
With all due to respect to Glee and V, I've enjoyed Flash Forward the most of any new show on television. I'm a sucker for innovative story telling and time-shifting narrative. Flash Forward has both.

Favorite "New to Me" Food/Drink
3-way tie: Coffee, Hummus, Homemade Guacamole
I somehow made it through college and helping raise two babies without resorting to coffee. I'm not sure what I was afraid of. It's tasty.

Favorite Movie Experience
"UP" in 4 Recliners
I didn't really have a favorite movie this year, but Janelle and I watched "UP" with the Creach's this past summer at the AMC Mainstreet 6 Theater in Kansas City's Power & Light District. With a full menu, servers bringing food, and reclining seats (complete with vibration and in-seat speakers), it was awesome.

Favorite Book
The Power of Less by Leo Babauta
Do less. Get more done.
I also recommend the authors blog, Zen Habits.

Favorite Blog
The Art of Non-conformity by Chris Guillebeau
The author this blog is a life-hacker of sorts (some similarities to Tim Ferris, author of The Four-Hour Workweek). He questions conventional wisdom, which I love. Also check out my review of his recent e-book, A Brief Guide to Early Domination.

For those who can't get enough of stuff Brian likes, see my Favorites of 2008 and A Few More Favorites from that year.


Chris Guillebeau said...

Thanks for the props! I'm honored to make your list.

Brian said...

You're more than welcome. I've been enjoying your stuff all year.

I'm curious - how did you find yourself so quickly on my blog today?