Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I invented the word Dingbat

I invented the word Dingbat.

Or so I thought.

It was the early 80s, I was in 3rd grade, and for some reason I was convinced I had invented the word "Dingbat." I have no idea how I came to that conclusion, but I do remember the pride I felt. I had invented a word!

Until I ran across this definition in a discussion of type-setting (This does beg the question, "Why were you discussing type-setting in 3rd grade?" No idea.)

Dingbat: An ornament, character or spacer used in typesetting, sometimes more formally known as a "printer's ornament" or "printer's character."

I was crushed.

I was reminded of this story a few days ago when I thought I'd come up with the next million-dollar T-shirt slogan idea (assuming there is such as thing as a million-dollar T-shirt slogan idea). It's a red T-shirt full of four-leaf clovers. The caption: "Kiss Me, I'm Colorblind."

I know. I know. Genius. (I'll give you a minute to compose yourself)

Whenever I have a million-dollar idea, my new first instinct (stemming from my 3rd grade experience, I'm sure) it to Google it to see if I will, in fact, become a millionaire. Sadly, I was not the first with the Colorblind St. Pats idea. On the flip side, I'll have a sweet new T-shirt next March.

Oh well. Off to the next idea, buying the .com, and developing a perfectly type-set, dingbat-heavy patent to secure fame and fotune.

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