Saturday, January 13, 2007

the apple: a lesson in complexity

Eating an apple never ends well.

You take the first bite into the juicy fruit, but it all goes downhill from there. Subsequent bites put apple goo on your face. And then comes the final few -- those "avoid the core" bites where you attempt to get the last little "apple-like" tastes without eating the center or a seed.

Sometimes other seemingly positive experiences end up this way as well. New books, video games, and -- in particular -- relationships often start out great with the first bite, but quickly add the complexities of goo and seeds as time passes.

I've solved my problem with apples -- a slicer. It cuts out the core and allows me to eat my apple without much goo. Unfortunately, I may do this with people as well. I will avoid their goo, their "core," for the convenience of surfacy bites. In order to build lasting relationships, I must allow these aspects to enter my life. They're not as clean and crisp as apple slices, but in the complexity is life. A life, if I would take the time to learn about, will be worth connecting to.

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