The first week in Seattle has been fun, tiring, and awe-inspiring. Notes and quips from the first few days:
- 9 days in Seattle. 1 day of rain. No complaints, but a little surprised. Maybe Seattleites are whiners. Or maybe it's a conspiracy to keep Midwest hicks from moving to Seattle. Didn't work.
- 3 words: Top Pot Donuts. Wow.
- I may be colorblind, but I can see the green here. And the sunsets.
- In our neighborhood (Queen Anne - woot!), the streets are...well...cozy. Parking is allowed on both sides, which means every two-lane road acts as a one-lane road.
- The KC Royals just fired their manager. Again. I think it's about time to become a Mariners fan. The stadium looks great from the outside, and it's apparently a great place for a nap.
- I've never seen a Carnival-type cruise ship up close before. They are bigger than I ever imagined. And louder.
- I can walk 2 blocks to a non-Starbucks coffee shop. There are 7 Starbucks within a mile of our house.
- The "Seattle Chill" is a myth, at least from my experience so far. People have been as kind as any city I've been in.
- The music is great here, but FM radio is hit-and-miss due to the terrain. I still miss BXR
- Some things cost a little more (gas, local grocery store stuff), but I've been surprised that a lot of things don't (Pizza Hut, Sam's Club, K-Mart)
- On a clear day I can see the Olympic Mountains from my bedroom window.
- It sometimes feels like we're in Europe. We have an "English garden" in the back yard, everyone is walking and biking through the city, and there is water everywhere.
It's a beautiful place.
I want to go to there.
Thanks for the update! I don't know why I'm crying. So happy for you guys, I guess. And maybe a little sad that we aren't close enough to pop over and experience all those really cool things with you.
Can't wait for more updates.
AG - I've gone to prepare a place for you...come on up.
CVD - Understood. I'll try to keep updating until you're tired of hearing about it - and then probably a little longer. :-)
It just sounds perfect! It will be fun to adjust to the new environment. Riding your bikes, drinking insane amounts of coffee and composting! Can't wait to see it with my own eyes. (But some pics would be nice)
awesome on the donuts! glad to hear there's not just biscotti to go with that great coffee.
glad to hear you're off to a great start. the summer will be pretty amazing.
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