Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ready for Some Football? Well, kind of...

After years of being a ravenous NFL football fan, I'm finding myself not quite as excited this year. I think it boils down to a couple reasons:
  1. My team (Kansas City Chiefs) have extremely low expectations. They'll probably not be very good this year, and the excitedment level for the team is just not there.
  2. My fantasy football team (Laser Cats) drafted in July based on schedule. As such, it's been a long time since our league owners talked, and there haven't been any big news items since our draft to make our preseason interesting.
  3. My college team (Mizzou) has National Championship expectations, which I've never experienced in my life. I have found myself much more interested in studying the Top-10 college programs and all the teams on MU's schedule than digging into the NFL. Living in Columbia we have more access to the games, and with the kids getting older we're planning to attend later this month. Due to the cost of the NFL games, we likely won't be seeing the Chiefs anytime soon (even if we wanted to).

Don't misunderstand. I'll still be bellied up to the Plasma Thursday night, and again for the Chiefs-Patriots Sunday. And I'll probaby be over this post by next Monday and ready to write a retraction. But for now, I'm feeling much more Black & Gold than Red & White.


DVD said...

I believe this displays a refining of your football tastes. Compared to the NFL, college football is less predictable, more enthusiastic, played by guys thrilled to be there, capable of upset, every week is a playoff, more ownership by fans (very few played for the Rams but many have graduated from Texas), with more teams your viewing is less repetitive, on and on ....

I love college football.

But you also mentioned fantasy football, and that's a blast too. For me, it all depends on the relationships of the league. In an anonymous-ownership league, I would care little. But dadgum I do not want to lose to my friend (who will remind me for the next 8 years)!

My draft is tomorrow. I am not ready. The pressure is on!

Brian said...

Agree, particularly with the "every week is a playoff." I definitely felt this past weekend that a Mizzou loss would have been devastating. In Week 1!! That just doesn't happen in the NFL.

I am getting excited about FF again now, and will definitely be yelling at the TV come Sunday. I play in a league with a combination of current coworkers and former college-mates. Losing it not a pleasant option.