Monday, February 29, 2016

Solving the Drunk Driving Problem?

Problem:  40% of traffic fatalities in the U.S. involve alcohol-impaired drivers.

Solution:  Make drivers prove sobriety (through breathalyzer) before the car will start.

Problem:  Though the solution exists and is used in many states for DUI/DWI offenders, there is no political appetite to put this tool - called Ignition Interlock - into every vehicle.

Solution:  Try logic.  If the device had been added 10 years ago and made it through most of the fleet of vehicles, we would be saving more than 10,000 lives per year in the U.S.

Problem: Logical arguments don't work.  Instead, many argue the potential downsides - what if there is an emergency?  What about people cheating the system?  What about my rights!?! I don't even drink!!

Solution:  Maybe incentives.  If you add interlock, your insurance premium will go down by 25%.  The insurance companies could likely make this change and still increase profits.



DVD said...

Wow, wow, wow. Five years between posts. How's Blake's Little League going?!

I like your idea, though nothing's foolproof I guess (I could convince you to start my car for me, maybe pay you to do that). Here's another solution that's probably going to happen: self-driving cars.

Take care, nice hearing from you!

Brian said...

Thanks, dear reader, for your faithful devotion the past 5 years. Your loyalty has been rewarded.

Turns out I'm shifting to another platform for future writing: (currently playing around with some tools). And I'm shifting most of my Twitter activity to @TrafficSafety.

100% YES on autonomous vehicles - this will be the best thing in traffic safety since seat belts, and approaching zero roadway fatalities will be achievable when implemented.

Kim Hunter said...

What an interesting “problem and solution” article. Your solutions seem helpful and are aimed at important issues. And at the same time, you bring up the problems just in the way the public would bring them up. Great analysis! I think this is a great system to help save lives. Checking for alcohol in the breath is smart!

Kim Hunter @ KHunter Law