Thursday, May 13, 2010

One fine week in the Emerald City

The first week in Seattle has been fun, tiring, and awe-inspiring. Notes and quips from the first few days:
  • 9 days in Seattle. 1 day of rain. No complaints, but a little surprised. Maybe Seattleites are whiners. Or maybe it's a conspiracy to keep Midwest hicks from moving to Seattle. Didn't work.
  • 3 words: Top Pot Donuts. Wow.
  • I may be colorblind, but I can see the green here. And the sunsets.
  • In our neighborhood (Queen Anne - woot!), the streets are...well...cozy. Parking is allowed on both sides, which means every two-lane road acts as a one-lane road.
  • The KC Royals just fired their manager. Again. I think it's about time to become a Mariners fan. The stadium looks great from the outside, and it's apparently a great place for a nap.
  • I've never seen a Carnival-type cruise ship up close before. They are bigger than I ever imagined. And louder.
  • I can walk 2 blocks to a non-Starbucks coffee shop. There are 7 Starbucks within a mile of our house.
  • The "Seattle Chill" is a myth, at least from my experience so far. People have been as kind as any city I've been in.
  • The music is great here, but FM radio is hit-and-miss due to the terrain. I still miss BXR
  • Some things cost a little more (gas, local grocery store stuff), but I've been surprised that a lot of things don't (Pizza Hut, Sam's Club, K-Mart)
  • On a clear day I can see the Olympic Mountains from my bedroom window.
  • It sometimes feels like we're in Europe. We have an "English garden" in the back yard, everyone is walking and biking through the city, and there is water everywhere.
It's a beautiful place.