I've had the pleasure this fall to share in the "take the kids to school" task with Janelle. I didn't realize what fun little conversations can be had in a 6 minute drive from our house to the school.

One day last week we discussed TV commercials:
Madilyn or Blake (I forget, which): I want (some toy) because I saw it on a TV commercial.
Madilyn: It is cool to have things that we see on TV.
Me (in fatherly tone, capturing teaching moment): You know kids, that's the reason they make TV commercials - to make you think you want things.
Blake: I do want things!

Madilyn: And Dad , if we didn't have TV commercials, we would never know what Bendaroos are.
Me (stupidly): What are Bendaroos?
Madilyn: They're awesome. And they're only $19.95!
1 comment:
Hilarious, I almost did a spit-take with my coffee at "I do want things!" My kids are also a marketer's dream. They are especially susceptible to claims of how something works. "Well look at that, it got it clean in one wipe!" I knew something was wrong the other day, though, when William told me something was at "10, 9 Central."
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