There we are: June 19, 1999. At 22 and 23 we looked like teenagers. In fact, when we would take the kids to the store (2 year-old Madilyn and Infant Blake), we would got stares from old ladies of the "didn't you figure out how that happened the first time?" variety.
The truth was we were young, and often didn't feel that we were really adults. We talked during our honeymoon to the Smokey Mountains that we felt like we'd run away from home. I guess in some ways we did.
What a difference a decade makes.
I've been married to my best friend, and my personal choice for "most amazing person on the planet," for a full ten years. We've experienced pain and comfort, sadness and joy, confusion and understanding. We've asked questions, answered them, and then questioned the answers. We've built one incredible relationship, made two beautiful babies, and wrestled with lots of life stuff along the way.
I've become less and less sure about many of the things I held true at 23. I have more quesitons than ever, and I'm excited about the search for both the answers to these questions and the discovery of new ones. But I've never been more certain of this: I am in love with Janelle Chandler, and I cannot wait to add more and more decades to our adventure.
Want to pack your bags, something small.
Take what you need and we’ll disappear,
without a trace, we’ll be gone gone.
Moon and the stars will follow the car.
Then when we get to the ocean,
gonna take a boat to the end of the world,
all the way to the end of the world.
And when the kids are old enough,
we’re gonna teach them to fly.
You and me together, we can do anything, baby.
You and me together, yes, yes.
Congratulations, Chandlers! A whole decade. It's probably much easier from here. :)
It sounds like you're describing the process of maturing, and isn't it great to be able to do that with someone? Congratulations to both of you. Here's to more...
Congrats to you both.
I love you guys. Thanks for letting me crash your wedding and end up in one of the pictures. Who knew the significance of that at the time. Congratulations, can't wait to experience the next ten years with you.
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